@jc69 This is something I have been thinking about for a while and something I briefly have brought up to the TFL team. Thanks so much for bringing it up.
The idea I have is very similar to what you have and the Terra Bounty Board recently announced. However, this would be an ANC-specific board to award ANC community funds for projects.
The board would be elected from a balance of community members and TFL staff, ideally 8-10 members. Ideally, they would be paid a small amount of ANC for ~10-15 hours a month (having half TFL staff cut this cost down). Criteria for being eligible for election would be from a rough KPI (Key Performance Indicator). This KPI would evolve and needs further development; its metrics are community voted. Ideally, we can start with forum contribution metrics. In short, it’s one key tool needed for a successful DAO.
I would also like to see the funds go beyond just developer work. Keys to making this platform successful are also business development, community activity, content writing, etc. which could be awarded by the board to members that stand out for hooking the platform of with key strategic partnerships, highly influential blog and Twitter posts, etc. This is a fair, needed incentive metric to get the community more engaged.
Developer work would need some more refining with bigger projects. I think projects over 10k need higher levels of monitoring and accountability so funds are not just sent out all at once. Funds need to be only released based on milestones of work that have to be presented and agreed to by the board and signed off on before the first amount is awarded. I have seen way too many funds questionability given away without accountability. As a tech working who runs my own business, I could never expect to get paid in full until the job is done, typically with a 2-week buffer after the work is done.
I like this idea as well. It would be the bounty part of the program whereby weekly and monthly tasks can be posted for rewards.
Lastly, everything has to be fully transparent and posted on this forum. The downside of decentralized gov is that it takes way more time to get things done. But we have to understand that and honor it and do whatever possible to create inefficiencies - a board being one of them. It is also a distinguishing decentralized metric that would help in relation to regulation.
This is a great start and will need more granular details worked out and an official proposal voted on to get this off the ground.
Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts, ideas, suggestions, dissents.