(Meta) AMA call retrospective. What was good, what to improve moving forward

@Spaydh Would love to chat about this. I’ll try to set up a time with you next week.

Exactly. This one was the first one of its kind, so it was kind of a dump of a lot of data at once due to the fact we had not done it before. I foresee:

  1. monthly-bi-monthly top-down calls where TFL outlines all it is working on so it doesn’t build up to be too much for one call, leaving sufficient time for lots of community questions and ideas.
  2. 2-3 week less formal spaces or discord events where we as a community with TFL talk have more in a more exploratory way based on forum posts etc. It would be more of a back and forth and free-flowing call.

Looking forward to looping more people in and getting back to you sometime soon. Going forward responses will be faster than this.

Also please check out the post about my idea from a community board that part of it would be organizing these things - Community dev contribution - #7 by bitn8. I’d love to hear your thoughts, pros, cons etc.

:anchor: :pray: