Scam prevention?

It looks like there are alot of scams going on.

is there a way to modify the anchor code to verify that it came from a legit URL?

or some way to educate folks how to be safe?

or request google to stop advertising phishing websites?

is anyone working on it??


Agree. Is anyone on the Anchor team able to do anything about this?

These scams are primarily showing up as adverts in a google search. There are actually four of them right now ahead of the official Anchor site.

Many people are going to lose money on these.

Perhaps worth reaching out to google and providing formal communications on the Anchor Website, Twitter, Discord etc…

Also worth contact each domain provider to report this as criminal activity.


This has been reported to google. The more community members that do the same will also help!

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Yes, anyone can click on the small down arrow and report these scams.

I’ve done a bunch of them today.


Adding to the list of spams after my unfortunate hacking incident earlier today trying to get hold of an admin but basically wiped out my wallet :frowning:


That the issue people will get confuse if there is a marketing add.
There is to many fake con artist scam site
How may post thread about people losing funds in scam fake site ransomware
stealing seed keys or keylogs
Have been posted in this forum
I dont know
Only subzero @alagiz can tell
what is going behind the scene


Dont ask me

i have see nothing
i wont tell anything
i dont know anything

Perhaps already known, but one more scam related to the forum:

Scam from this guy active on this forum:


hi community, i just got scammed by a phishing site for a lot of UST. i’ve reported to police force and Anchor and Terra . But i haven’t gotten any response from Anchor yet. is there anything else i can do?