[Proposal] Adjust interest parameter to track 20% instead of 19.5%

I wasn’t here for the last vote (Anchor) so I read what it was about.

My understanding in summary is that the community voted FOR:

Adjusting threshold_deposit_rate and target_deposit_rate were adjusted to 19.5% & 20.5% respectively " to maintain a tighter peg around 20%".

What we’re proposing now is to continue with this agreement, which is to maintain a tighter peg around 20%.

It’s seems to me this isn’t a discussion on sustainability or how to increase the value of ANC. Instead it’s about doing what we originally intended to do and then did, but better (19.5 is more tight to 20 than 18, but 20 is much much tighter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).

Why? Because we can now.

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