Hi all, thank you so much for the feedback & new ideas! Here’s a progress update from my side.
The project now has a name: Stablegains and a landing page: stablegains.com. I’m thinking of the Stablegains <> Anchor relationship similarly to the Chai <> TerraKRT one: build on top of the tech package and deliver the value in a simple format, one that no-coiners wouldn’t be scared by.
I found that the 20% rate might be too high to effectively promote with no-coiners. Most people I showed it to found it ludicrous and became immediately defensive. That is why for now I’m defaulting to 15%, also to get a margin for building a sustainable business and reinvest into marketing and growth of our Anchor-powered product.
Everyone of course still kept raising questions about the 15%, so I wrote this article as a more accessible intro.
I was happy to receive a good amount of interest in joining & helping build the project among some smart people I know, both on the engineering as well as BD/marketing sides. If this were to grow as a business, getting great talent on board should be possible. It is such a cool innovation that smart people would want to help make it happen.
Next, I’ll be promoting the LP and doing customer development. Feedback is very welcome. If anyone likes the page & product idea, and is willing to share - please do! And sign up for the waitlist!
Now, regarding EthAnchor
@dokwon, thanks for the idea (& for dropping by!). It makes a lot of sense for the ecosystem and there’s a good chance we’d have built a variant of it as part of Stablegains anyway.
@Staker, thanks for joining the conversation!
Initially I was unsure if as part of Stablegains EthAnchor would have been decoupled & reusable for others, which is what EthAnchor should be from the community’s POV.
However, as @staker is interested in managing this, is there an opportunity for me to support you, maybe help with testing? If you’re up for a chat, my telegram is kamilryszkowski. I was also thinking that EthAnchor might also be a great proposal for the Anchor Community Fund. I don’t see why it wouldn’t get support from the entire community.
Speaking of the Community Fund, I was also wondering if it’s sensible for apps such as Stablegains and similar ones to apply for funding. There are a few apps in different stages of development, including Stablegains, @staker’s Orion and e.g. Kash or Saturn.
In the case of Stablegains at least, funding would be a game changer. It would mean that a few team members and I could focus on it full time 10x’ing our odds of success for the benefit of the entire Anchor ecosystem.
From the Anchor community’s POV, the more shots we take (assuming we don’t bet on unreasonable proposals and on people with irrelevant backgrounds), the more likely it is that we will get massive adoption for Anchor, considering how big the global market is. Coding prototypes is fun & straightforward but commercializing them everywhere will be a long journey.
Considering the docs say “Projects that are value additive to Anchor and/or improve user experience are eligible for community grant funding” I am thinking of submitting a proposal shortly. Any feedback as to whether this is desirable & what the community would like to see in there - please let me know!